
Reading & Phonics

Nansloe Academy – Reading intent


Teach a child to read and keep that child reading and we will change everything.

And I mean everything.’  Jeanette Winterson


At Nansloe, we recognise that reading is a vital skill and we support children in becoming effective 'readers' who have a real love of reading. Our vision is  that every pupil will become a skilled reader so that they can achieve well academically, flourish personally and function effectively in the wider world.

During their time at Nansloe, children will be taught to decode accurately and fluently using the Read, Write, Inc.  phonics scheme.  They will also encounter a wide range of texts, both fiction, non-fiction and poetry, in their whole class reading lessons.  The aim of these sessions is to inspire a love of books, but also to teach the children  the different skills and strategies which combine to make a successful reader. We take every opportunity to give children many opportunities to enjoy quality texts and encourage their reading for pleasure. 

Reading Karate Bands and Badges

Our Reading Karate system is an exciting way of encouraging the children to read at home every day - which is our school reading target. Every day we check to see who has read at home or, for the youngest members of the school, who has shared a book with their family.  Numbers of reads are totalled up and each Friday, in our Celebration Assembly, children who have achieved different numbers of reads are awarded with Reading Bands or Reading Badges. The children love this scheme, and it has made a huge difference to the numbers of children who read every day. 

Reading Karate Rules


Foundation Stage


  • Sharing a book with an adult at home counts as a read. 
  • This could be your school reading book, library book or a bedtime story.
  • An adult must sign your reading record.
  • Only one read per day counts.




  • Sharing a book with an adult at home for 10 minutes or more counts as a read. 
  • This could be your school reading book, library book or a book from home. 
  • An adult must sign your reading record book. 
  • Only one read per day counts. 


Year 3 and 4


  • Sharing a book with an adult at home for at least 15 minutes counts as a read.
  • This could be your school reading book, library book or a book from home. 
  • An adult must sign your reading record book. 
  • Only one read per day counts. 
  • If you are a free reader, you can read to yourself but an adult must sign for it to count as a read. 


Years 5 and 6 


  • Sharing a book with an adult at home or reading to yourself for at least 15 minutes counts as a read. 
  • You could read your school reading book, library book or a book from home. 
  • Remember to write a comment about what you have just read. 
  • An adult must sign your reading record book. 
  • Only one read per day counts. 

Hall of Fame Golden Reading Star

The children that have entered the Hall of Fame, have the chance to earn a Golden Reading Star every term. They are set a number of reads to reach by the end of term, to earn themselves a Golden Read Star.

Nansloe Academy
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